The greater part of my day has been taken up with discovering the many companies that do NOT print double sided. You can imagine my distress when Walmart said that they didn't! After checking at three or four more places after that, I spoke with a friend and she said, "Christina, print it at home!"
I suppose it would be good of me to explain. Tonight I have an audition. My first for a play, unless you count sixth grade when I auditioned for Romeo and Juliet and probably only got the part because I had a British accent (applause for my dear Papa). But the elementary aside, I am considerably nervous to display my voice for judges.
I do not have an astonishing voice. I know that. But what I do have is perfect pitch. So despite how I sound, I will always be on key. That is a bonus, is it not?
Back to my morning...
So after a few trial and errors, I finally got it to print at work. Huzzah for work! Onward.
On my way to work, I ran into an old friend. He flagged me down to say hello and ask how I was doing and then he said to me (drumroll) "Wow, you're looking really good, now that you're not doing folk dance anymore."
At the time I didn't stop to think about it and I came back with a witty joke about how everyone on BYU Campus is either in the exercise clothes or all dressed up saying, "I'm a BYU business major!"
But after a few minutes of walking, I thought... wait a minute. Okay. So I wasn't always gorgeous when I was dancing....
But I sure gave it my all! Poor kid probably didn't even realize what he said. :)
I've gotten into this bad habit of putting my life to a song.
Yesterday it was:
A few days ago it was:
Last week it was:
A week and a half ago it as: Don't tell me those boys aren't adorable. :) This has nothing to do with my life, I just like it.
And today? It changes hour by hour. Ha! This'll do though:
So... I should tell you that Rachel Platten is a new discovery of mine and she is AWESOME! Check her out.
Wish me luck and perhaps I'll tell you what my song is tomorrow. ;)
BIG TIME RUSH!!! Babes. Especially Logan. Obvs.