Finals are finally finished! Now is the time for me to start focusing solely on all the things I must do in the next 6 days... Including packing. It's very difficult to decide what I want to take with me that I can't live without for 2 months... And I need to be mobile because we won't be sitting still very much. So I decided to try to cram my life into one suitcase and my backpack. Whatever doesn't fit... I guess I will get there.
There are some things that I don't think I will be able to get there. You may have noticed... Asians don't really have hair like mine. So... naturally, they won't have the stuff to take care of hair like mine. Which adds a bunch of weight and hassle but it's totally necessary. I have adopted a no-stress policy. We shall see how well that works out. :)
Also on my agenda. Speak Korean. I haven't really spoken much Korean since my oral final... LAST FRIDAY. What? That's... over a week! So it's a goal... Speak as much as I can every day. Remember everything that was just flushed out of your brain... Because that happens every semester after finals. My brain takes all of the information it has been holding onto for the past four months, and it dumps it all. Sometimes quite useful... Other times not so much.
There are so many people in my life that I want to say goodbye to that I'm a little bit afraid I'm just not going to get around to... It makes me very sad. This is one of those things that I regret the most... And I hope that you will forgive me. Because I'm sorry. So sorry. Time has simply flown and I have had to let go of a lot of things I wanted to do and so many people I wanted to see. Just know that you are in my thoughts and I love you a lot!
Down to a bit more serious matter. People keep asking if I'm going, what with the scary stuff that is happening over there. Yes. Yes I am still going. Security even contacted the US Embassy there to make sure that it was okay. And all is well. South Korea isn't bothered a bit by what is going on to the north. No, the only people who seem to be making a fuss are us. Which, according to my director, is just what North Korea wants... to boost morale within their borders. So the media is turning it into a big deal and they are getting their reaction. Don't worry; it's all gonna be fine. :)
Another question on your mind: Am I nervous?
Well... I wasn't. For quite a while. And maybe that's just because it hasn't seemed very real since I was still focusing on school. But after our last group meeting, I did get a bit nervous... Mostly because I really don't know much of the language. I know enough to get by... barely. I mean, this is why I am going, to learn the language... But I think that the first week or so is going to be quite interesting. But I won't be alone. And I'm not worried. So don't you worry either. Not that you were.
It's going to be an adventure. I'm lucky enough to have my dear friend Mindy coming along with me so I shall never be lonely. We have plans... Just you wait and see. I will spill the beams on one thing though. We managed to get tickets to see CNBlue in concert in Seoul!!!! Okay, this won't mean much to you, but it sure means A LOT to us. It's pretty epic. More details to come no doubt. So many that I will probably bore you.
This is really all I can think of for now... If you have any packing suggestions, or things I should definitely bring along/not forget... Or any travel advice at all, post it below, I would love to hear your thoughts. :)
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you NOT to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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